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Imagine_Gravity_0007 t1_j43kelq wrote

From what I have seen, people who drive like idiots in good conditions don’t really change how they drive when the road conditions are bad


ggfchl t1_j4452r5 wrote

They are also the same people that will claim "People don't know how to drive in the snow"


WalkerBRiley t1_j46a853 wrote

No, it's the people who tell others to get snow tires or get off the road. They think because they've 4 wheel drive and/or snow tires that means they'll never go off the road and can go thirty over the limit.

I say "people don't know how to drive in the snow" frequently. I also drive slowly in icy and snowy conditions. Usually slow enough that people back up behind me and are quite obviously very angry because they can't go 20 over like they want.


BadLuckShoesie OP t1_j43kln8 wrote

I feared for my life after getting out of work seriously. People are morons.