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LockAggressive5516 t1_j43minc wrote

I just dropped off my daughter for winter soccer practice, 3 wrecks on the way there, one was even up a hill, how do you lose control going up a hill? And end up kissing a tree


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j43t8tz wrote

I think that happens when you apply too much pressure to the gas. That happened to me once (uphill over a bridge, yikes). To be fair, that was the year I got my license and in 17 years of driving, I have never done that again.


Antnee83 t1_j43wnln wrote

This was back in I think 2011? 2012? Really bad snowstorm and I was living in Poland at the time. Dark, snowing like a motherfucker, roads weren't plowed yet at all.

Three ways I could get to where I lived. One was a gradual slow incline with a curve: Got halfway up and just could not get enough speed to keep climbing without ALSO making my tires spin. Back down I went, backwards.

The other was a very steep hill but a straightshot at the bottom. Tried to pick up speed, same goddamn thing happened.

So I had to go alllll the fuck away around, and ended up at the top of a hill, but at the bottom was a 90 degree turn. You guessed it, could not control my descent, and right into the ditch I went at the bottom.

AAA pulled me out, guy told me he just pulled someone off a tree at exactly the hill I was at before, where I slid backwards.

I didn't have bad tires or anything, it was just absurdly slick. Fuckin hated that whole goddamn night


sjm294 t1_j44h9o6 wrote

That might have been the year I tried 3 different ways to go home after work. I finally gave up and went to my mother’s house where there were no hills. My commute was usually an hour, but that night it was way over that.


curtludwig t1_j48k6xf wrote

I remember one time the snow started about noon. Seemed like every business let out around 2pm, the roads were crazy. I went back to work, put on my headphones and watched movies until about 7. At that point the traffic had died down, the plow crews had gotten a handle on it and the roads were fine, no stress...


sjm294 t1_j48m5g8 wrote

Smart! Another bad weather day-I had a really stressful drive to work and as soon as I got there I had a call from the hospital. My daughter was in an accident on her way to school. They said she was ok but they wanted me to come pick her up. I asked them if they had called her dad who was at home. Of course not! I told them that I had just driven for 2 hours to get to work and I wasn’t going to get back in my car just to do it all over again. So, call her dad…


Graflex01867 t1_j44qnh7 wrote

You start to loose traction going straight up the hill, so you step on the gas. Your tires are both spinning, but you don’t have equal traction on both sides (partly because of the differential in the transmission, partly just because the traction isn’t equal for whatever reason.) Unequal traction means one side of the car digs in, and the car starts rotating - then you’re accelerating, while pointed to one side - and you end up off in the woods.


Substantial-Spare501 t1_j45uw6e wrote

I live at the bottom of a hill. People go off the road usually going up right before the turn a few times per year. You do have to hit the gas a bit right where the road changes to get up the hill. And that’s where they end up on the side of the road.


MrLonely_ t1_j468xn8 wrote

It’s common in cars and trucks with rear wheel drive, gravity means the tires are working harder to stay in contact with the road, hills tend to ice up from the water running down them and all your power pushing instead of pulling means that if the tires lose control your basically a pendulum. It’s why you will sometimes see the DOT plow trucks reverse up hills, but that’s more common in very rural areas.


cwalton505 t1_j45sifa wrote

Happened to me in my truck once that was a bit icy, was going pretty slow, around 30mph, tranmision up shifted rear tires broke free and kicked out and that was all she wrote.


FlyingUdonMonster t1_j46uonx wrote

That’s exactly why I always get standard transmissions in my vehicles. Last thing I want is to lose control because the computer made a stupid decision.


eljefino t1_j47hsce wrote

Many Maine roads are crowned too much so you hit a little bump, break traction, and slide off sideways.

They're old farm roads and don't have the proper underlayment. Maine Turnpike and a FEW state roads (202) in a FEW spots are the exception.


curtludwig t1_j48jt8c wrote

So I've got to ask, at what point is it not worth it to make it to winter soccer practice?

I remember lots of times where my dad would be taking me to some extracurricular activity and we'd just turn around and go home "nope, it's too bad out tonight."

I know that winter soccer practice is "important" but not getting into car accidents is even more important.


kolzzz t1_j4508ae wrote

easy, just text and drive


Notmystationbro t1_j43t4sa wrote

Very easy to lose traction going up on an incline. Don’t believe me go try it. Sounds like you don’t how to drive


Ferh35 t1_j4415ty wrote

More like not pressing the gas pedal to the point of losing control, just have to drive slower
