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Tony-Flags OP t1_j9khqbu wrote

I'm all for things like more housing being built, more local industry, and yes, I would be fine with multi-unit housing units going in across the street from me, or next door. My road has trucking companies on it, car repair lots, multi-family housing, a waterproofing company, multiple commercial farms, all of that. Its fine. Great.

What am I not happy about? Having my water supply potentially poisoned forever if there is a big spill. This mine would be a drop in the bucket for global nickel production and will serve nothing more than to line the pockets of foreign mining corporations who will promptly fuck off and never come back here again. The St. George River is a wonderful natural resource that deserves to be protected. If blocking mining here causes your smartphone price to go up by 1/100th of a cent, then so be it.

If caring about the environment and local farmers and yes, my ability to live on my property and grow a garden to feed myself and my family is NIMBYism, then so be it.