I'm going to be around Bangor for the next few days and was wanting to try some of the local breweries. Looks like there's a fair amount of them. What are your favorites?
Goodunnn t1_j6uhs88 wrote
Orono Brewing, and Bangor Beer Co. are both super solid breweries, and a little further out, Bissel Brothers has a location in Milo that is apparently very cool.
DiscountUFOParts t1_j6uhvox wrote
Geaghans and Two Feet Brewery in Bangor
srfyrk418 t1_j6ui9nd wrote
Mason's in Brewer. Great lunch spot too.
TimothyOilypants t1_j6uj5mk wrote
Winterport is real close. Check out Penobscot Bay Brewery.
Spovik t1_j6umoxo wrote
Though none of these are in Bangor, Masons is my favorite. Great beer and great pub food. I've had great beers from Marsh Island Brewing as well, but I'm unsure if they have a brewpub you can go to.
StreakKDP t1_j6up0wv wrote
OBC, 2 Feet, Masons and The Friars.
Bangor Beer Co, Geagans, and Blaze are kind mid to me
benevolentmaster111 t1_j6v75ee wrote
Masons is dope.
Resident_Detective75 t1_j6wt1ph wrote
Marsh Island has a great brewpub on Main Street in Orono.
WhimWhamWhizzyWazzle t1_j6xfr2i wrote
Geaghans, next to Hollywood Slots.
Masons in Brewer. Get the brussel sprouts if you go to Masons. Just trust me.
Psychological-Bear-9 t1_j6xvz30 wrote
Masons in Brewer is pretty much the best all around that I've seen. Food is fantastic.
Casy17 OP t1_j6y372m wrote
I love a good order of wings, definitely going to try this
Casy17 OP t1_j6y3eaa wrote
Talked me into it.. I love brussels
SilverSlither t1_j6ugho4 wrote
Geaghans in Bangor, get wings with the reserve sauce