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Fun-Gap4015 t1_j8r9851 wrote

Well he told me to come down off my high horse without asking what I meant. Thats pretty condescending in my opinion.

Something I said has convinced you that you need to tell me that my opinion isn't fact. As if I don't understand that. Which is also rude.

So maybe you two can get together about assuming other people's thoughts and completely disregard asking questions to clarify.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j8ruz16 wrote

Didn't seem like you understood that your opinion isn't fact at first. That's why I pointed it out to you.

You're the one that posted a stupid comment about the story. We're under no obligation to answer, but we both did anyway, just in different areas. I, at least, have learned that you can't really argue with stupid, but you can call it out.


Fun-Gap4015 t1_j8sa4p2 wrote

You're assuming I'm an idiot and then calling me an idiot. You'll die on that hill too I bet. That's why I don't continue giving you my opinion on this subject because clearly you're not here in good faith. So if you're done being a miserable rude person I think we can end this?


DidDunMegasploded t1_j8sapxd wrote

ASSumptions make an ASS out of you. They do not, however, make an ASS out of me because I'm not the one assuming weird shit and getting defensive over what I say. You can't really assume something that's the truth.

It is 56 degrees outside. Go touch grass instead of being so protective over what you say on the Internet and continuing to butt heads with me. Breathe in the fresh air. Take it aaaaaaall in.


Fun-Gap4015 t1_j8sbeap wrote

I've only been addressing how you've been responding to me. You're not listening because you haven't learned how too yet. You're probably sub 30 years old and wondering why everyone else isn't as smart as you.

If you weren't such a jerk you'd have better things to do right now


DidDunMegasploded t1_j8tbc1a wrote

Oh I'm listening. I'm laughing at how much of a fool you're making yourself out to be right now, and listening.

Keep making ASSumptions and keep making an ASS out of yourself while you scrabble to have the last word.


Fun-Gap4015 t1_j8tbpy3 wrote

Why are you just repeating what I'm saying but more rudely?