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Coffee-FlavoredSweat t1_jae4osn wrote

I wish I knew what you guys were all on about.

Sure, my bill has gone up over the years. It’s just about doubled, but it’s been over the course of 6 years. I’ve never seen the sudden price jumps everyone is talking about without reason.

Every summer we run our AC constantly, so the spike is expected, but it goes right back down, and other than that it’s just been a slow steady rise.


Squidworth89 t1_jae6l2c wrote

I’m assuming you picked standard rate. I think these huge jumps are people that picked specific suppliers.


Glum-Literature-8837 OP t1_jae9v15 wrote

Correct, my supplier is Electricity Maine.


Squidworth89 t1_jaead7r wrote

Yeah so change to standard offer then. Think they’re gonna be cheapest. Electricity maine prolly had you do a cheap rate for awhile to get you to sign up.


Glum-Literature-8837 OP t1_jaeupbp wrote

Probably what I’m going to do if they have no explanation. Of course their website says there is a $100 ETF, but I did that math and that’s still less with the standard offer than they’re charging me now.


biggestofbears t1_jae6gzc wrote

Consider yourself lucky. Over the past 2 years we've seen a $100 price difference for the same habits in the same house. We're now close to $350/mo, decent size house for sure. But when we first moved in it varied between 200-250.


Glum-Literature-8837 OP t1_jae9nwv wrote

My bill has risen gradually over time as well, but never a jump like this. Like I said, this is not a result of higher usage or CMP upping the delivery fee, it's from Electricity Maine more than doubling the supply rate.

This shows my previous balance, which was 605KWH @ $0.1475, and my new rate: