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HIncand3nza t1_ja58iv7 wrote

New Hampshire to Nicatouis? Quite the excursion for these ladies. Were they just lost? I read they had some mental disabilities.


Definitelynotcal1gul t1_ja5iwtl wrote

It doesn't seem logical that they actually made it anywhere near NH. They were reported missing from Springfield/Topsham. Then they're found in East Hancock? So they drove like 300 miles southwest, then turned around and drove back 250 miles northeast? I mean, I suppose it's plausible, but it really weird.


Coffee-FlavoredSweat t1_ja5k5ki wrote

The originally left Topsham, headed to the Maine Mall, but ended up lost in Massachusetts. Family tried guiding them over the phone but they ended up lost in Exeter, NH.

They called the police who tried to guide them back to Maine, and the next day they had driven clear across the state up to Springfield.

From there, they tried to get south again, but ended up in East Hancock.


TheMrGUnit t1_ja5t006 wrote

Potentially silly question: which Springfield? There's one in every state they visited.


dj_1973 t1_ja7u4fg wrote

They were proving that you, indeed, can't get there from here.


20thMaine t1_ja8p4lo wrote

To be fair, if they ended up anywhere near Boston and tried to get off the highway and turn around… their infrastructure is almost designed to make you lost so… and then NH has even worse road signage.


gretchens t1_ja7uzu8 wrote

Springfield and Topsham are hours from each other. You might be confusing Topsham with Topsfield, which IS near Springfield. (For that matter, maybe they were confusing that, too.)