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Huckleberry-Powerful t1_j9lmpa6 wrote

This reminds me of a childhood story: My siblings and I always got tasked with shoveling the driveway as kids. It wasn't a big driveway, but we always dreaded doing it. One day we were about half done shoveling after a big storm, and one of the neighbors comes over with his snowblower and starts helping us out. After about 5 seconds of that, my mother comes running out of the house waving her arms and says something like "No, no. The kids can shovel. They don't mind." So he turned around and headed home, and we picked up our shovels and finished. I grew up in The County. Go figure.


eljefino t1_j9m88vf wrote

Somehow I convinced my sister that we should "race" shovelling the driveway to build snow forts out of the berms we created.

We had a rule that we could only throw snowballs from "our land" and the asphalt was no-mans-land.

In hindsight we were such tools.