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New_Sun6390 t1_j7ikza3 wrote

The biggest issue I have with unions is the standardization of wages. The slackers get paid the same as the hardest workers. One person calls out frequently, does sloppy work, and has a bad attitude, while another worker is more reliable, has better quality work and a good attitude. It is not right that they both get paid the same.

Additionally, I have seen union members file frivolous grievances. A guy blatantly and repeatedly violates safety rules, gets written up on said violations, and files a grievance over getting written up. And good luck firing a union member, regardless of their work record.

I can see where unions played an important role in workers getting fair compensation and safe working conditions, but I question the benefits today


TheRealRolepgeek t1_j7l5v0y wrote

Have you actually worked for companies like Hannaford where they actually pay their hardest workers more, instead of just piling more responsibilities on them for no increase in pay?