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Particular_Assist217 t1_j98kpvn wrote

I mean you said oob and motorcycle you automatically get shit on. No one wants to hear it in a packed area full of annoying tourists in a town where any sport besides football doesn't matter and they let locals torch their own businesses for insurance money. The only thing OOB did decent was "in the bedroom" and even Nick Stahl looks like a junkie. It's not Canadians it's all of york county ots a joke, and a shame for maine.


MathematicianGlum880 t1_j998n71 wrote

We actually had Yamaha (something). It was a bagger and on the quiet side compared. I’m no biker and nor do i want to be one. So before people pass judgment as they always do, maybe they should get the full knowledge of who I am. But people can’t do that, they prefer to go off half cocked bitching. We rode down, grabbed fries and left,,,we didn’t act like douches. We typically rode all back roads up through northern Maine. Found out of the way places to eat and went back home. People hear motorcycle and they jump to conclusions. In the 80’s it was really bad, motorcycles everywhere, we got drunk, didn’t have a bike until our 50’s. Big fights all the time.