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Brielle2 t1_j8jnlrg wrote

Are Whites really a minority in New Mexico and California?


mymaineaccount46 t1_j8jwjil wrote

It probably depends on the data. If you are counting Hispanic whites with non Hispanic whites together they probably are not the minority. So this is probably separating out Hispanic whites from non Hispanic whites creating that distinction.

Hispanic as a category in the US is kinda weird. It's not a separate race category and has multiple races inside it (Hispanic whites, afro Hispanic.) It's more a cultural category but gets thrown into racial statistics all the time.


ceciliquy t1_j8ln1h9 wrote

As someone who’s lived most of their life in Los Angeles before moving to Maine, I can say that it’s still surprising how often I think “wow. there are a lot of white people here”. Definitely an odd thought when thinking critically on it, but shows just how used to being in a very racially diverse state can color your perception.


gadadhoon t1_j8nqccc wrote

There's about five black people within half an hour of where my parents live in Maine. It's just.... dang. Very white.


Aggressive-Team-3670 t1_j8of9xu wrote

I used to live in mass how they treat white people in general know is rascist as fuck let's see how this ends but I would think at this point white and Hispanic close in mass


Rico_Rebelde t1_j8jwo3k wrote

I'm guessing its slightly flawed since white and hispanic aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. Many hispanic people are white or can pass as white which could be the same thing or noot depending on who you ask.


FortBlocks t1_j8k22cb wrote

Same with Arab, Caucasian is the proper term since white is a tone


TGhost21 t1_j8kf0st wrote

It's not that they "can pass as white". They ARE white. You know that there are white people all over Central and South America, right? Hispanic is not a race, it's an ethnic group. 🙄


Rambling_Puppet t1_j8m7oy0 wrote

Not really. Hispanics are a mix of Natives and Spaniards. Not white. There are black hispanics, too, but I don't see you grouping the hispanics with the Blacks.


TGhost21 t1_j8mt4wc wrote

Excerpt from below:

"U.S. federal government agencies must adhere to standards issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which specify that race and Hispanic origin (also known as ethnicity) are two separate and distinct concepts. These standards generally reflect a social definition of race and ethnicity recognized in this country, and they do not conform to any biological, anthropological, or genetic criteria. The standards include two minimum categories for data on ethnicity: "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino." Persons who report themselves as Hispanic can be of any race and are identified as such in our data tables. The following sources provide population data on Hispanic origin and race:

Population estimates by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin are produced annually for the nation, states, and counties. Historical data are also provided in the Archive Files. Population projections out to 2060 are provided by race and Hispanic origin for the nation. The Current Population Survey (CPS) provides national-level data on the social, economic, and demographic characteristics of selected race groups, both current and past. Tables on the Hispanic population in the United States are also available, both current and past. The American Community Survey (ACS) provides sample data from the 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year estimates based on population size. Selected Population Profiles enable you to select characteristics by Race or Ethnic Groups (Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, etc.) and by Country of Birth. The 2010 Census brief Overview of Race and Hispanic Origin describes these concepts and also provides information on how the race categories used in the 2010 Census were defined."


Rambling_Puppet t1_j8qevhf wrote

I don't give af what the inaccurate, racist, corrupt U.S. federal government says. The U.S. government used to attempt to classigy Asian's as being White. As well as all middle - easterners, just to make the country appear more White. And even in Texas, police mark some black people - black as charcoal, and a bunch of dark hispanics - as 'White', to avoid getting in trouble for racial profiling.


FOH with that bullshit.


TGhost21 t1_j8qkl8q wrote

Your intention is noble, but your ways are mistaken.


TimothyOilypants t1_j8k1qx7 wrote

"...can pass as white..." may be the craziest ignorant shit I've read all day.

Congrats! Your Reddit kick in the balls is in the mail!

This is why including "white" in any conversation about race is fucking stupid and inherently racist to anyone not "white"...


DimLug t1_j8jnvri wrote

I can believe New Mexico. California has me wondering though.


Dixon_hass_42 t1_j8kivp2 wrote

The parts of California I’ve been too, I was definitely a minority.


CoconutSands t1_j8li8gk wrote

It's been a long time since I lived there. But it's basically there is no majority there so everybody is under the 50% threshold.


BacteriaandKoral t1_j8kp0fn wrote

As someone from California I would say it depends on North versus Southern California. But I lived in LA and was almost always one of the only white people at work. It was also pretty common for me to hear "jokes" about white people.


Notmystationbro t1_j8jug0h wrote

Yea considering how close it is to the border it’s not a shocking statistic. Also take into the consideration how big families Hispanics have


iwontrun t1_j8lf0z4 wrote

If it wasn't for Mormons and 10 kids each, we would be here in Utah too


789JUNIPER t1_j8li736 wrote

Yes, in Ca, white people are in the minority. It has been this way for awhile now.


BigE1263 t1_j8k9w63 wrote

Considering the big move from CA to TX, yes