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t1_jaav3bq wrote

Yeah they do, some beep and some crunch


t1_jaawen8 wrote

Yes, the ones that crunch are known as Italian parallel parking sensors.


t1_jaazul8 wrote

I’m just imagining raw spaghetti used as those old “curb feeler” devices from the 50s and 60s 😂


t1_jac52ud wrote

OOoh! That's what the crunching sound is!


t1_jaca2q0 wrote

You’re giving me flashbacks to last month: sitting in my truck smoking about to go inside Home Depot and someone tries to pull in next to me, I’m thinking “he’s not gonna make that turn.” Sure enough he realizes he’s too diagonal and backs up to straighten out, cranks his wheel the opposite way, front end of his truck swings out and hits my rear bumper and tail light. Luckily it only hit the bumper ($350-400) and tail light ($50). Missed the bedside panel by 3” ($500+labor, likely several hundred, plus paint, also likely a few hundred and would never match perfectly)