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punksheets29 OP t1_j81u5ne wrote

Thanks for being a dick!


lantech t1_j83re29 wrote

Hey, by the way those two towers in NYC? The World Trade Center? Those two big ones right next to each other? Those are gone now.


punksheets29 OP t1_j83rt83 wrote

It was your mom wasn't it? I keep telling her that plopping down like that, with all that mass, could topple a skyscraper but she just never listens...


A-roguebanana t1_j81mfad wrote

I’m not surprised in the least considering the amount of ignorance expressed at grocery store about everything including the weather.


Nknights23 t1_j83ajbu wrote

How does this affect people with MaineCare? All lump sum payments are to be reported before being spent. Does that mean mainecare gets this money?