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freetheroux t1_j8reafr wrote

Hate people like you, not everyone has a visible disability. Some old lady tried to tell me off for having my dog in the store and I just got what I wanted and left. Most people are expecting all service dogs to have a cringey vest and be complete robots, which just isn’t true in most cases.


Norgyort OP t1_j8rqz3l wrote

In my post I said there's nothing wrong with service dogs. A dog in a stroller is not a service dog, and the pit bull on a leash was clearly not a service dog either.


freetheroux t1_j8s172b wrote

There is no such thing as a clear service dog though. A dog in a stroller could very much be a service dog as much as a pitbull. A lot of people in Maine train their own service dogs, which is legal. And because of that most of the service dogs in this state don’t act how you would expect a service dog to act.


Norgyort OP t1_j8s6437 wrote

> A dog in a stroller could very much be a service dog

That's ridiculous, a dog in a stroller isn't providing a service to anyone. It's just someone looking to show off their dog and skirt around rules to get attention.


freetheroux t1_j8sm28q wrote

The dog could be trained to alert the owner of low blood sugar or of an upcoming seizure. There are many other types of disabled people than just the ones that can’t see. Maybe the owner is deaf and has the dog to alert them of loud noise, which it can definitely do in a stroller. Yes, in most instances dogs in strollers wouldn’t be service dogs, but it is a real possibility.


Norgyort OP t1_j8t1qh8 wrote

Fair enough, but there are better ways to monitor those things that don't involve dogs.


freetheroux t1_j8t9t7i wrote

Well some people hate electronics as much as you hate dogs.