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t1_j89hfew wrote

Kentucky is a reliably red state and has been for a very long time.

Kentucky is a net loss for America and pays 2/3 of its budget with federal funds while taking back over 2.5 Xs what it pays into federal coffers.

They've been massively dependent for decades, across generations.

No Republican from the Reagan era ever called those mostly-conservative, 90%+ white at the time (86.5% today) a welfare queen.

Tell ya that much.


t1_j8anp2j wrote

My father died estranged from me as a result of his politics. One of the few things I regret was him not living enough to see it reported that the US Military gave black vets the shaft with the GI bill... the abuse started in WW2 and continued all the way through Vietnam.

Because I grew up listening to him shit talk black guys... they all just went back to the ghetto and didn't use that GI Bill to improve themselves like him and his white friends did...

While he and people just like him were the ones responsible for denying those benefits.

They've always been like this, the right wing. They just feel emboldened and since its getting WORSE we should take it as a sign that we need to do more than whatever it is we're doing.

I went to a RvV event attended by thousands where I was told by organizers and speakers to RUN AWAY from any counter presence.

Not to ignore, Not to not engage, to remaind peaceful... but to run away and cede the block. This can't be what we do. They shut down events. That's them winning. We need to stop letting them win.