Submitted by flyeaglesfly777 t3_121y27s in ManchesterNH

I am in Manchester for a few days. Always looking for good restaurant suggestions.

I liked your review of Pho Golden Bowl. Food was freshly made and nicely presented. Thought it could be a just a bit tastier and I wished there was a paper menu. Fast service. Will go again and will try the Pho Ga.

Next stop is El Rincon based on this subgroups’ reviews.

Any experience with Cafe Momo?

Any other suggestions?



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sysadminsavage t1_jdohsxh wrote

Skip it and head to Annapurna Curry & Sekuwa House


harrybaggaguise t1_jds7fwz wrote

Also a good spot. You can find me chillin solo at the bar sometimes


HowlandReedsButthole t1_jdoaal6 wrote

MoMo is great, under the right circumstances. I went and ate in once when there were only a few other people there. The food is excellent, all the folks working there super nice. I also called in for a pickup order, and it took almost an hour after when they said it would be ready. Seemed like there was one person taking orders/serving tables, and one person cooking.

I would recommend finding a time they aren’t busy, because when they are in a good spot, the food is just incredible.


Kv603 t1_jdo2j4r wrote

I haven't been there in about a year, because I couldn't depend on them to meet their timeframe on pickup orders.

OTOH, if you know you like Nepalese, they're the place to go.


ralettar t1_jds5jwj wrote

Did you try Daw Kuhn Thai off of S Willow Street? That’s a gem of the city. I think they’re closed somedays though so you’ll want to check that. Glad you liked Golden Bowl


Its_ya_boy_42069 t1_jdoanrd wrote

It was really good for a while but past couple years it went downhill. Many of the dishes no longer tasted the same as they used to and weren't as good. Prices also got comically high; like moreso than other places. So I said fuck it you're dead to me sadly enough


kathryn13 t1_jdobk79 wrote

I personally love Momo, but it sounds like others have had mixed experiences there. I've also heard good things about this place, but haven't been there. If you go, let us know what you think:

Also, El Rincon just opened a place down the street at 931 Elm called Alas de Frida that I believe is suppose to be elevated El Rincon.


ohhbumpkin t1_jdobslv wrote

Annapurna is amazing. Had dinner there last night.


kathryn13 t1_jdof2i6 wrote

I’m glad to hear more good words. I have to get down there.


alljobsfish90 t1_jdotcru wrote

Cafe Momo is really good. The only place in Mnchster thtlat serves Wild Boar Momo. Also some of the best soup in the area. Ask for a dude name ld Simrod. He and his family own it. He'll give you a full rundown of the menu.


HalfLife1MasterRace t1_jdrmc4o wrote

I used to be a massive fan of Cafe Momo. Unfortunately, after a change in ownership post-covid I can't say I enjoyed their food quite as much as I used to


According-Cat-6145 t1_jdp2l79 wrote

Don Quixote is amazing for lunch or dinner. It’s all good. Gyro spot is great too.


Star_Harvester t1_jdquo8x wrote

Buba Noodle all day. Incredible pho.


harrybaggaguise t1_jds7k8x wrote

Buba has gone downhill. They need desperately to bring back the Tom yum


Star_Harvester t1_jdsmmpx wrote

Eh I've had a very consistent experience with them these last few years.


harrybaggaguise t1_jds7d15 wrote

Momo is awesome. It’s changed hands a few times over the years and is back to its former glory


harrybaggaguise t1_jds7pyg wrote

Check out LaBelle in Amherst. It’s the chef from Mint. That place was legendary.