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Leopard854 t1_j92rwip wrote

They really aren't.

In fact everything they claim is quite the opposite, PCB stabilizers are much worse when it comes to changes and upgrades, and they're much less stable.

  • You want to re-tune your stabs? gotta take apart the whole board.
  • You want to change the stabs? gotta take apart the whole board again.
  • PCB stabs don't have the plastic "frame" the plate stabs have, so they tend to be less stable and have more room to wiggle ^(I actually think it's better this way, sometimes the frame can add unwanted friction), the only ones that are very stable are the Staebies and they're prone to binding.

People like PCB mount stabs because they're secured with a screw and can't pop out like clip-in ones, but properly made plate stabs that clip in properly and sit tightly in the frame have no reason to pop out.

And since people like PCB mount stabs, manufacturers center their efforts into improving only PCB mount stabs so they tend to be better for rattle, although the plate-mount offerings are pretty decent.


_delvix t1_j92yb5y wrote

Easier for changing keycaps maybe? The whole point of screw in stabs is they don't pop out when you pull your keycaps off


_delvix t1_j93ifag wrote

Spoken like someone who's never had their clip in stabs pop out when they were changing keycaps. Yes they clip in, but they're not as secure. Why do you think screw in stabs were invented? Because clip ins pop out sometimes and it's a pain.


Zkkkkiiiii t1_j93tg5j wrote

I think there are just more and better pcb mounted stabs out there in the market


Latias10point0 t1_j94kmp0 wrote

I think the difference is minimal. I like the sound and feel of pc staebies (done well) a little more than TX, but I use both equally as often and that’s about it in the way of differences. Staebies are also a bit easier and require less lube/tuning/balancing, but don’t think the way it mounts dictates that.


highdeaology t1_j95a9p5 wrote

It doesn't. In fact it's quite the opposite. Having screw-in stabilizers means that you cannot take them out and tune them or replace them once the board is already built whereas with plate mount stabilizers, you can just pull the keycaps off, pull that one switch out for the stabilizer you are trying to access, pop the tabs and pull them out.

For screw-in, you need to unscrew the case, take out every last switch to separate the PCB from the plate and THEN you can access them. Pain in the butt to be honest. So with screw ins, you really have to make sure that they are tuned to your liking and good to go once you put them in unless you want to disassemble your whole board every time to access them.


Leopard854 t1_j95tl5x wrote

The thing is, since the vast majority of enthusiast prefer screw in stabs, manufacturers and vendors put their effort solely into making better PCB mount stabs.

There are good offering with plate mount stabs but there aren't any plate mount stabs as good as TX stabs or Staebies.


nickaplis t1_j9j5n5o wrote

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