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NOCHNOY_ t1_jdn470d wrote

people who use 75 and under are very, very few people in the niche hobby that is mechanical keyboards. if you think you can compromise 20+ keys for aesthetics and keep your productivity and workflow the same, test out with 80-75% keyboards first.
and for the most popular, i'd say it's the 75.


Aijames t1_jdnbmld wrote

My use case is photoshop/Lightroom I have a 65 because I literally never touch the other keys that I lost going from 100 so I figured the saved space was a plus


NOCHNOY_ t1_jdq16pi wrote

good on you. but i've seen people who say there's always that one instance where they could really use that numpad for inputting numbers for some gov doc or spreadsheet that they had to fill in, since the number row is such a painful experience.