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eternalbuzz t1_jclcoxy wrote

Except the title says β€œin 2023” ..suggesting OP has been in the hobby for a solid 5 minutes

2020 was the year of the 65s for me. Everybody was begging for 75s and what do ya know, they blew up a year later


laffeybunn t1_jcm856i wrote

Yeah. Thanks for explaining my message because I'm so over this meme and this trend that explaining my comment is gonna give me an aneurysm.

It's not even funny man.

The ONLY 65%.that has come even remotely close to grabbing my attention since the DELTA is the new $400-$500 Retro 66


S-T-Q t1_jcojovo wrote

Same regarding the Retro66, but that price range is killing me.


laffeybunn t1_jcpc6t1 wrote

No money for it either, still working on my $1000 windx98