Submitted by UnseenYouTube t3_11rqlqv in MechanicalKeyboards
Spongman t1_jc9y1ej wrote
TheMainTeaDude t1_jc9z0l3 wrote
Good luck with that! :) I highly recommend practicing on English 10k btw
UnseenYouTube OP t1_jc9z2ld wrote
UnseenYouTube OP t1_jc9z40w wrote
Yh I’ve seen that recommended quite a lot. Will definitely try it soon
TheMainTeaDude t1_jc9znyx wrote
It's alright if your speed will decrease a little on English 10k, but when you'll get comfortable with it and have good accuracy, typing stuff like quotes and English 200 will be so much easier
SheeBang_UniCron t1_jca34gf wrote
This is not 70wpm..wpm means “words per minute”. Time should be at least 1 min and use English 5K. It’s more than enough for words most commonly used in daily conversations.
UnseenYouTube OP t1_jca7zgp wrote
kool-keys t1_jcah09o wrote
Can I give you some advice? Do not use the "english" setting to practice typing. It only uses 200 words, and it gives a false idea of your true typing speed. Instead, use English 10K, or better still, quotations (Edit - as well as, not in place of), as the former uses a 10,000 word database, and the latter uses punctuation and more a more real world experience. Also, 30 second tests are not a great measure of anything either. At least one minute, or better still, two will give a more accurate idea of your true speed.
Thirdly. If you wish to go fast.... then go slow. If you push for speed, then you make more mistakes, and regularly making mistakes will harm the muscle memory required to be accurate. Chase accuracy, not speed. Speed will come naturally anyway whether you want it or not, but accuracy will not. That has to be worked at. Shoot for accuracy, and always correct mistakes by ctrl+backspacing them out and retyping correctly several times (set freedom mode in Monkeytype). If you were completely accurate, you'd be at 73 wpm already (raw speed).
Practice your ngrams. Disable the sounds though... they are super annoying, and actually put you off LOL. Whoever thought that crappy typewriter sounds, that actually lag behind your keystrokes was a good idea, wants a good talking to :)
Good touch typing relies on ngram muscle memory. Nothing improves your typing like practicing ngrams, backed up by real typing in the real world. If you are unfamiliar with this concept, then you need to realise what it is that makes the human brain able to touch type. It's the ability for humans to recognise patterns. We are very good at it. It's an evolutionary developed trait for survival, but it's what also makes us able to do stuff like this. Take a word... any word, and you will see that it can be broken down into sets of letters that are shared with other words. "Statistically" for example. Stat, ist, ically, are all components of other words, so once your brain has recognised and practiced typing those, it instantly recognises them in other words. It's this skill that allows a competent typist to type any word, even ones they have never seen before, yet still type them as fast and competently as any other word. It also allows fast reading ahead, which is another skill a competent touch typist needs.
Having said that, well done. Touch typing is cool :) Keep up the good work. Take my upvote.
UnseenYouTube OP t1_jcaq2th wrote
Wow, quite a lot to take in lol. Thanks for the advice, I’ll try out the different monkeytype modes. I do actually do a typing course on which uses punctuation, caps, symbols, etc, and cam still hit 65+, but to be fair the tests are quite short (I’d say 40 secs max). I’ll check out ngrams as well- never heard of them before
kool-keys t1_jcaywgr wrote
You're welcome. None of what I wrote was a criticism. Just want to help you become a good typist, as I think it's an important skill that everyone should have. I hope you find some of that useful, and good luck in learning.
UnseenYouTube OP t1_jcb347l wrote
Thanks. If you’re interested I’ve been posting typing tests on my channel since I started learning for anyone interested in seeing my progress
kool-keys t1_jcb60p8 wrote
Sure. I'll take a look later. :)
NeroFx21 t1_jcbn0nl wrote
[deleted] t1_jcbvtz1 wrote
Hey, I hit 80wpm recently with an avg of 75wpm, 95% accuracy on monkeytype english200, Now I moved on to english 1k, can I know more about the settings to be used on the Ngram type and how exactly should I practice
kool-keys t1_jcby13e wrote
The first column is to set how many letters each ngram contains... bi, tri or tetragrams. Set this to whatever you want, as it makes sense to practice them all. The second column sets how many ngrams per run, and how many times they are repeated. The last column speaks for itself; It sets a minimum wpm limit- fall below it and you fail. Accuracy limit the same. If set to 100, then you will fail unless you type perfectly.
SheeBang_UniCron t1_jcc67i8 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcc68gf wrote
Yeah, I mean... that part is pretty clear lol, was asking more on the ngrams per run part and wpm, and like should I stick to only Ngrams or a mix of 1k on monkeytype and ngrams
unexpectedit3m t1_jcc93pd wrote
>This is not 70wpm..wpm means “words per minute”.
It is 70wpm. By your logic, you can't drive a car at 50mph if you drive for less than an hour...
kool-keys t1_jcc9e2r wrote
OK, I see what you mean now. I would set the runs to max, as it avoids repetition. As for practice balance, I would do 15 mins of ngrams, and 15 mins of Monkeytype at 10k per session. Occasionally, set it to quotations, but let's be honest, you will get real world practice when you're just typing. I treat all typing as practice. (edit - if you do no real world typing regularly, then use quotations as part of your daily routine). Replying to you now is practice :) One piece of advise I stand by though, is stop when you start to make mistakes... or at least when your mistakes start to increase. At that point it's doing you no good. Weirdly, muscle memory "embeds" itself after you stop practicing... even when you're asleep that night. You always notice improvements the next day (or at least several hours later), and never while you are actually practicing. Take breaks and split your practice into smaller sessions rather than one mammoth session.Enjoy.
kool-keys t1_jccb5xc wrote
If I drove at 50mph for 30 minutes, then I'm doing 25mph.... perfect logic LOL :) Although, in that hour, I did only drive 25 miles, but yeah... that was a stupid analogy. Although... speed and velocity are not the same thing.. but now my head is starting to hurt :)
[deleted] t1_jccgvx9 wrote
Thanks a lot man, this really helps
kool-keys t1_jccjo1f wrote
Good luck. Take your time, and enjoy it :)
SheeBang_UniCron t1_jcdkmdw wrote
Here’s a practical experiment for you. Do a typing test in Monkeytype with words set to 10, and do another time set to 60s. Are they the same? By your logic, it should be. I don’t understand why some people can’t seem to grasp this concept. If you want a car analogy, you can do the same thing, drive until the end of your street and drive until the next town over, is your mph the same?
cromagnongod t1_jcefylt wrote
The english 200 setting thing is very true, I'm 130-140wpm on that setting and only 110-120 on english 10k, add punctuation and caps to that and I'm like 100-110 at best
But the english 10k also isn't representative because all the words are equally random whereas in actual english some words are used much more than others. Quotes are the best for practice probably
kool-keys t1_jcekpeh wrote
Which is why I also recommend quotations... and real life typing as part of the practice routine. However, using English 10K in Monkeytype, does expose you to many, many more ngrams in a real woRd setting, even if it's not a real worLd setting, and is still highly beneficial when practicing.
>The english 200 setting thing is very true, I'm 130-140wpm on that setting and only 110-120 on english 10k, add punctuation and caps to that and I'm like 100-110 at best
Don't worry about speed. It's not important.
unexpectedit3m t1_jceva0h wrote
>Are they the same? By your logic, it should be.
That's not what I said. You can drive a car at 50mph for 10min, right? You can also type at 70wpm for 30s. That's all I said. You can get a word per minute value for a duration that's shorter than a minute, with a cross-multiplication. I've never said the typing speed would be the same if OP tried a longer test, I actually agree with you on that point. It's just the way you phrased it.
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