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superman1995 t1_jdbwixz wrote

Try the Durock silent shrimps, it’s turned every keyboard that I’ve stuck it into to one that is quieter than most rubber domes. It still gives off a very nice sound but it’s soft and very office appropriate.


jadenthesatanist t1_jdc1avw wrote

+1, Shrimp gang


superman1995 t1_jdc1noo wrote

Ayyy. Nice to see another lover of the shrimps. The tactility given the almost dead silent sound profile never ceases to amaze me. The feel almost makes up for the lack of auditory feedback

The cushioned bottom out also helps to reduce the fatigue from long typing sessions..


jadenthesatanist t1_jddoo4i wrote

Yeah dude, when I first got them I was surprised at how truly silent they are, and I’m a big fan of how heavily tactile they are. I recently picked up some Designer Studio White Jades since everyone I saw mention them said they were possibly the heaviest tactiles on the market, but honestly now that I have them I’d say the Shrimps almost beat them out for how strong/heavy they feel (although that could partially be due to the Shrimps having a long bump across the whole keystroke compared to the short/sharp bump of the White Jades). I thoroughly enjoy the White Jades for their sharp snappiness which is what I was really looking for this time around, but I’m glad I have the Shrimps around for a different kind of heavy tactile stroke.

If only Clickiez weren’t so stupid fuckin expensive, because I’ve also seen those mentioned as a possible candidate for being the heaviest tactile on the market when set up as tactiles. I’m just not willing to pay $1.50/switch, and even less so when I’d have to crack them open myself to actually set up the tactile configuration. Too much to ask for for keyboard switches lol.