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t1_itla5ba wrote

That layout is absurd, but pretty cool looking nonetheless


OP t1_itlap12 wrote

Which part do you find the most absurd? F keys instead of a num row? Or the off-centered space bar?


t1_itlgxa8 wrote



OP t1_itlkb6y wrote

  1. F row: I'm pretty comfortable with managing number keys through a layer. The dev tools that I use make frequent enough use of F keys, so that top row is a combination of shortcuts/macros that I use a lot and straight F keys.
  2. Bottom row: I can't remember why I did this in the first place. I think I felt like I needed a "proper" space bar rather than a single key. Though the next time I do some work on the board, I'm going to take that out and replace it with 2, 1u keys instead.

t1_itls8yw wrote

That's cool. I've got my fkeys on a layer along with numpad.

Do you have a key map by any chance, since we have similar layouts.


OP t1_itnv3yi wrote

Here you go:

My keymap is a little bit all over the place. I started reorganizing around some ideas from Miryoku, though it's still a bit of a work-in-progress.


t1_itnyyxr wrote

This is cool to see. I struggled with how to set the layers on my Waka since it's my first QMK/VIA compatible board, and I was really wishing I could see what other people came up with.


OP t1_itr93ne wrote

I learned a lot/got plenty of ideas by browsing user keymaps in the QMK repo as some users commit them to the central repo. For example, you might find some user mappings at keyboards/mechwild/waka60/keymaps/. Folks will sometimes include a nice readme with images of their keymap.

Another fun resource to browse is


OP t1_itlt3ex wrote

I’ll take some screenshots from Vial later & share them.

The other boards that are in regular rotation are 40%. For those boards, F keys & the other things I mentioned above are all in layers.


t1_itotmtt wrote

Is ortho easier to use


t1_itpjmoy wrote


There's a learning curve; if you're already used to the standard layout, it's doubtful, whether it's worth the effort, or not, because the alleged benefits are questionable.

A columnar layout (like Kinesis Advantage, Keyboardio etc.) at least has the added value in reflecting different finger lengths.


OP t1_itptgu9 wrote

To further elaborate, I would say that there’s some ease-of-use at play when most reaching from the home row is either up or down rather than almost always angled. But I’m not about to make any claims about it being an unqualified good or anything.


t1_itp66hi wrote

Just about everything. Where is escape? This keyboard is blasphemy


OP t1_itpvnka wrote

The escape key is the one with the escape symbol on it.


t1_itpvuf7 wrote

Oh stop downvoting me, escape should be upper left corner like god intended and you know it!


OP t1_itpwwbz wrote

I’m not the one downvoting, but this seems like a weird place to criticize custom keymaps.


t1_itq36yp wrote

Really? As an answer to OPs comment saying "whats the weirdest mapping"? Sounds kinda like the correct place or you just didnt see what i was commenting to


t1_itnfjv9 wrote

mfers use a layout based on mechanical limitations of typewriters that haven't been made in decades and call ortho layouts weird, smh.


t1_ito0fp0 wrote

Weird is cultural and personal. Weird is deeply rooted in a lifetime of experiences that can be unique, common, bizarre, or mundane. Weird is a strange thing to be offended by and a strange thing to call out. Everyone is weird to someone else.

Embrace the weird, enjoy it, and celebrate it in others!