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t1_iyd2j3m wrote

Please tell me you're not using that lube on switches.


t1_iyeir6k wrote

What's wrong with Super Lube? It's just a slightly more slippery dielectric grease. That's the 21030 formulation which should work great.

I lube my stabs with that stuff and use the oil version (51004) on my switches. Of course, my switches are quite special haha


t1_iyejf0t wrote

Nothing wrong with it except the fact that he's using the grease in switches which is too thick for that purpose.


t1_iyd6ig2 wrote

That will be a bit thick for switches. It will be great for stab wires, but too thick for switches.


t1_iydbrku wrote

Synco makes a compatible oil which should thin this to any thickness desired.


t1_iyejd1i wrote

OP: Ignore the people freaking out about this. Super Lube (grease, 21030) is totally fine for Cherry MX style switches as long as you only only apply a very thin coating (with a brush, like you did). It'll last longer than the oil kind since the grease doesn't evaporate as quickly (yes, it ever so slowly evaporates).


t1_iyes7mv wrote

I'd love a blind lube test, which features Super Lube thinned with their ptfe-oil to different thicknesses, pitted against all the hyped up lubes. My guess it would make everyone in this thread look like fools, when absolutely none of them could discern a "good" lube from a "bad" one.


t1_iyew2dx wrote

I mean yeah if you’re the type to overlube switches and stabs in general the sluggish nature of what OP is about to experience probably won’t feel all that different. It’ll be like typing in quicksand


OP t1_iydebx9 wrote

So now the question is, will it damage my switches?


t1_iydtnwv wrote

No but it'll make them sticky and sluggish. It's supposed to be used on stab wires, not switches.


OP t1_iydtxud wrote

Ok i see, I thought I was good since I heard about dielectric grease and this one I already had was so and I didn’t thought about its viscosity


t1_iyf1tob wrote

Dialectic grease isnt used for switches either, its only used for stab wires


t1_iyeupde wrote

Good luck lubing :) I would recommend mixing your grease with some silicone oil or super lube oil to thin it a bit


t1_iyfe3xk wrote

Triggered comments incoming.


t1_iyf7o8q wrote

Go light, and you should be good! I use SuperLube all the time and it works fine to me, be sure that don't lube too thick on it


t1_iyetngw wrote

In light of all the comments, for a newbie what lube WOULD you recommend?


t1_iyf0u83 wrote

Krytox 205g0 seems to be the standard for switches. For stabs, Permatex dielectric grease. I've heard some people use Loctite for stabs, but make sure you get GREASE, not super glue!


t1_iyf0juw wrote

tribosys 3203 for t, krytox 205g0 for lineages, 105 for oil on springs


t1_iyf37nv wrote

That's a rather thick grease but if you go really light they shouldn't stick on you - you'd probably be better off with thinner lube though.


t1_iyelbv6 wrote

Make sure you lube up them keycaps for optimal thoccc


t1_iyeru5v wrote

Grade 2, it will be like typing through peanut butter