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dovenyi OP t1_iydc7mb wrote

The very first KBD.NEWS Advent Calendar is starting off with a 0th day post on what the heck is a mechanical keyboard advent calendar.

(Spoiler: It's been a custom in the Japanese DIY keyboard community, but I tried to recruit an all-star line-up to bring this phenomenon to you outside of Japan.)

Posts will be revealed one by one, landing page this way:

Coming soon (tomorrow): Falling Down The Rabbit Hole by Ben Vallack.


Seirin-Blu t1_iydjuqf wrote

Excited for Shark’s spot! Wish I could say the same for Chyrosran


pabloescobyte t1_iyeixy4 wrote

This is awesome. Looking forward to ThereminGoat as I'm old school like that.