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t1_j0yzfus wrote

.5mm travel? That's interesting, what kind of switches are used for that? Almost sounds like you may as well type on a touchscreen.


t1_j0z2gvq wrote

The "tact switches" that you get on a lot of devices are essentially the same in this respect. They're crazy tactile but don't really move a lot.


OP t1_j0zfudd wrote

But the difference is that those you usually use aren't made for high cycle lifes, usually don't last very much. All potential switches I'd consider using are 1M+ life cycles.

edit : the vast majority of switches I can use are clicky, but can be made silent.


OP t1_j100oks wrote

I've been searching and I've found 40+ switches so far that can be used. from 0.10$ a switch up to $2 a switch, similar to actual mechanical keyboards.


OP t1_j0z0wa6 wrote

but then it wouldn't be a mechanical keyboard wouldl it? ;)

I haven't revealed which kind of switch I'll be using yet, I'm speaking with a manufacturer for a batch before proceeding to buy bulk. There will be 10 or so switch options when the design will be finished. I'm going to start compiling a list of potential switches.