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Johnny_Lawless_Esq t1_j227xad wrote

Your great grandma may have been a better and faster typer than any of us ever will be. 87 is not crazy old, and she's in the right age range to have worked as a typist when mechanical typewriters were being replaced with electrical ones.

They had to be super accurate back then, because there was no real backspace ability.


thibounet OP t1_j23mqua wrote

Well she asked me why the keys were not in alphabetical order, she didn’t know because she never typed on a typing machine before… But she told me tales of some of her friends who could write blindfolded entire pages without faults.


paradoxally t1_j23pdbc wrote

> But she told me tales of some of her friends who could write blindfolded entire pages without faults.

Touch typing is a lost art, sadly.

Do any schools even teach that anymore?


crefas t1_j23zv6l wrote

Being a gamer, I picked up touch typing as soon as I got my first PC and it seems like the natural way to type. Discovered the stare-at-the-keyboard way of typing only recently when I saw one of my non-computer-savvy friends type. Glorious 15 WPM


praenoto t1_j245rmr wrote

my touch typing as a “gamer” was characterized by my left hand having best access to the keyboard (being on the keys already) and centered over WASD rather than ESDF. so I typed as much as I could reach with my left hand and used a few fingers from my right hand sparingly.

taught myself how to properly touch type a few years ago though and I very much prefer it. except it took an otholinear keyboard to get the zxc cluster down.