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NightTheBear t1_j1z73bm wrote

Seems like OP damaged the board during switch install. Which hey, accidents happen. But own up to it, don't try and slander a company because you caused the issue and don't want to pay for a replacement, or tell someone who got you a gift you broke it and can't use it.


Leopard854 t1_j1zt0pi wrote

Yeah makes sense, as I’ve said he damaged it and provided 1 side of the story.


k4zie OP t1_j1ztbqg wrote

There is no slander taking place here. Stating that I had a bad customer service experience due to being automatically assigned fault isn't unreasonable.


NightTheBear t1_j1zv4vc wrote

Jumping on "if you buy anything and there's a problem, they will tell you that you're to blame and won't help you" is factually incorrect and is telling about what you wanted out of this. If you had a bad experience, you aren't writing this as a "hey, fyi, this was my experience", you're writing it, painting yourself an innocent victim and then sidestepping their evidence with "well that's just like you're opinion man" to try and be faultless.

A summary of your experience should have been "I broke my pcb, and after a back and forth with CS for NovelKeys, they agreed to a refund even though the product wasn't defective and it was a result of handling/treatment". Maybe you aren't happy with how much back and forth you had, or some delays in communication - that's fair.

Honestly, I don't think you expected NK to have a presence here and now you're are doing a soft about-face to try and diminish the shit coming your way. No matter what, have a good one, happy everyone is moving on and (mostly) got what they wanted out of this whole debacle


k4zie OP t1_j1zwkb2 wrote

Unfortunately you're completely incorrect.

There is no about face. I was treated like it can only be my fault. My feedback to being treated like that is accurate. So is my advice to others. 1:1 interactions with them, resulted in my being blamed.

Now look at what you wrote as a suggestion what what I should have done:

"I broke my PCB...etc etc" - you know that how? No, actually you don't. If you want to conclude they are in the right and I'm in the wrong, that's fine. That's what these posts are for.

A counter to what I wrote based on the assumption that it can only be my fault, is exactly why I made this post.

And yeah, I knew they are active here, that's the whole point lol. If I didn't I wouldn't purposely post this on mechanical keyboards so others can see what my experience was?? Use a little logic my friend.

And for the record, I'm not badmouthing anyone. I'm sharing my bad experience with them, warning others of it, and already getting refunded. So I'm not looking for anything.


NightTheBear t1_j1zyqpx wrote

You're doing the exact same thing, but to NK. Youre coming at this situation like only NK is to blame. By your own admission you didn't inspect and test PCB and functionality before you starting popping switches in. Every comment before NK responded was essentially "yeah I should checked but I didn't" and then continued to throw NK under a bus for "poor customer service". The only proof you didn't break the PCB is a belief you didn't. And a poor quality picture that "shows the socket wasn't soldered properly". Sorry, but you're a very unreliable narrator of this story.

It's cool though, as evidenced by the mods post and Mike's post, literally nothing anyone tells you will change your mind that you're a perfectly innocent party in this rather than someone who caused, and then worsened the situation. Hope you enjoy the rest of the holiday season and have a good new year.


k4zie OP t1_j200akr wrote

I get you are defending NK, but you're still missing the whole point. I'm not accusing them of blame. Is that honestly not clear?

I am defending the accusation of being blamed for something from the start. I consider that poor customer service.

Do you think it's ok, to automatically assign blame as your first response from support?

If they had not led with that, I would not have posted this, plain and simple. I'm not sure why you are turning this into more than what it is.


NightTheBear t1_j201z13 wrote

My guy, this is just ridiculous at this point. I'm not defending NK, I've never bought anything from them, and as someone completely new the hobby, this is the first I'm hearing of them. I'm just pointing out the bullshit you're slinging.

If the dialogue was literally "hey customer service, I'm having an issue with my PCB, what do I do" "nothing because you broke it" then yeah, that's poor customer service. Until you provide screenshots showing the exact history, that didn't happen.

It is 100% more likely there was back and forth of you explaining that one socket wasn't registering anything, that everything else was working, and that you only noticed it after installing switches. They probably then asked for a picture of the suspect socket, they looked at it, saw damage to socket from you putting the switch incorrectly, and made the 100% reasonable conclusion you popped the fucking socket.

Give a rest, get off reddit, touch grass, etc.