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CodeOConductViolator OP t1_j6jjesr wrote

I guess that’s fair. What about the feel? It seems like the effect of flex-cuts really depends on the plate material. For example you wouldn’t feel it on a steel plate but on a PC plate you might.


Fluid_Stand9699 t1_j6k3knn wrote

Yes, what you said is exactly true. The plate material definitely affects flexibility. A PC plate will have greater flex than a steel plate. If you want greater flex, it is actually better to opt for a half plate or plateless build for maximum flex, but of course, you are sacrificing the stability of switches and sound. Of course, the mounting style also affects the flex. A gasket-mounted keyboard typically has greater flex than a traditional tray-mount keyboard. However, the plate material definitely affects it more.

Edit: Of course, I want to note that these assumptions are based upon the sources here: Ways to manipulate sound profile of keyboard:

Methods determining flex: