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OP t1_j73jqet wrote

Pretty apparent they are influenced by qotsa as essentially any band doing hard rock alt whatever or anything adjacent to that in modern times are. You don’t have to like them, but you’re showing your ass and proving my point about lacking historical contexts and just being musically illiterate.


t1_j73kcsb wrote

You're insane if you honestly think any band playing hard rock alternative music is influenced by QOTSA. You need to get out of your little bubble and learn more about music.


OP t1_j73kwwn wrote

Hahaha there’s an entire ecosystem of bands that ape qotsa. Dude talking about bubbles get the fat outta your ears and try listening. took me all of one minute to discover your saviors are fans wow


t1_j73l5wm wrote

You're a moron, but at least you picked a perfect username. I will give you that.

I just said "I'm not a big King Gizz fan" (though they are 1000x better than QOTSA), but for some reason they are my "saviors". Grow up kid. You can just not like bands. It's fine. I don't go starting threads about how bad QOTSA is. I just don't listen to them. That's what adults do. Listen to what you like and don't pay attention to stuff you don't. You'll get it one day.


OP t1_j73lmtv wrote

The two biggest bands in rock music arctic monkeys and tame impala are admitted huge fans and also admittedly takes huge influence from queens. Just by that their influence would continue to be diffused through others. The first couple sentences say I don’t think they are bad, so you’re not just musically illiterate you’re actually unable to read??


t1_j73sd3j wrote

> The two biggest bands in rock music arctic monkeys and tame impala

L O fucking L

While we're on the topic of overrated, Josh Homme is possibly the poster child.


t1_j75jw6o wrote

You’re right on the fact that most big movers in alt rock today are influenced by QOTSA, including King Gizzard. These people are on drugs if they think fast food psych rock band King Gizzard is a better band. the way people are going mental for this band is honestly fascinating to me. They’re the new Tool.