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_AskMyMom_ t1_ja4hz29 wrote

Lyrics are what you interpret them as. Metallica’s one is based off a book/movie about anti-war propaganda. Which the book is fantastic, as is the song. The meaning behind One is anti-death or anti-war. Which seems like someone can support; and that’s a fact, but you might interpret that differently than what it actually was meant for, which is fine.

My favorite band is Satanic. But I’m not satanic, I’m more anti-religion, but accepting of 1 god. I think religion divides more than anything, which satanism kind of indulges from Ghost’s (the band) perspective.

Another band I like is very satanic, and sings about worshipping satan. Which is not for everyone, but I enjoy it; but I also like contemporary R&B and country lol.

Anyway, the point is, if you limit yourself, you’re limiting the experience music brings.


Flappsy OP t1_ja4kb82 wrote

That is true yeah. I don't support satanism but for me its like do whatever man you feel me? As long as people don't hurt eachorther.