Im 100 percent gonna be deaf if i keep blasting shit like i do lmao, curious on if theres a way i could still feel the bass like through my body without constantly damaging my ears, Like in my car or whatever would some actual quality speakers with subs be able to get the same effect at a lower overall volume?
Entity408 OP t1_j9iozl8 wrote
P much anything i use for music i got eq setup for high bass, around middled out mids, and slightly boosted highs
Entity408 OP t1_j9ip3g9 wrote
Considering getting some more nice speakers regardless, but more of a curiosity question cus def already losing my hearing a bit at 18 lmaoo
[deleted] t1_j9ip6bj wrote
lutk78 t1_j9ipacv wrote
I am pretty sure they make something that goes under your vehicles seat that simulates bass using vibration or something like it
Entity408 OP t1_j9ipfro wrote
Ill have to look into that, unsure on if that would feel "real" tho and actually match the tones and notes. Thank you for the idea tho
Nameless408 t1_j9iprcs wrote
Yea, wear ear plugs. Good plugs will reduce the volume by ~20dB so you can still crank the bass without going deaf.
Audiophile plugs are designed to reduce SPL with minimal impact on tone, so you can get a good listening experience without going deaf (i bring my pair to concerts all the time, I love them).
Entity408 OP t1_j9iq1wr wrote
Yeah thats one thing i really need to look into, are the good earplugs actually comortable? my only experience is crappy cheap ones that kill ur ears lol
lutk78 t1_j9iqz2z wrote
Yeah it seems like it would be hard to match the real thing. Is it more the highs that bug your ears or is it mids and lows also?
GHOSTHARO t1_j9irr72 wrote
A class d monoblock and 18 inch subs don't need to be at high volumes
Positive_Prompt_3171 t1_j9is76p wrote
Sit on the subwoofer?
Impossible_Skin_1359 t1_j9iuccv wrote
Try some earphones! Some good ones are the skullcandy dimes, they’re pretty cheap and they sound nice too. Also headphones usually always do it for me. And mess around with ur eq as well sometimes when I’m listening to specific songs it could be unbalanced since like some songs have different bass and all that
thecatofdestiny t1_j9iwfvo wrote
You could look into getting a subpac at home! Not in the car though, and you shouldn't wear earplugs in your car either for safety reasons.
Fit-Friend-8431 t1_j9izpx1 wrote
An underseat sub in a car would work, or just put a big one in the back. Most subs you can increase the volume and crossover separately to taste.
Might cost some money (albeit not too much) to get a sub but if it will save your ears, it’s probably worth it.
paulmarchant t1_j9j3snq wrote
MacaronMiserable t1_j9j4ij0 wrote
Just lower everything Above 60-80hz, et voilà, max subs.
zimzilla t1_j9j9hj0 wrote
How to make everything sound as if you're outside the club door.
MacaronMiserable t1_j9j9ywr wrote
Well, that's what OP wants, no ?
Motivationgonewrong t1_j9jgmdc wrote
Put your amp at maximum volume and lower the volume on the sauce
Nameless408 t1_j9kagsu wrote
Yea, mine aren't even that expensive and honestly I forget that I'm wearing them! sometimes my ears will itch and I'll have to take them out to scratch, but they are otherwise quite comfy.
Entity408 OP t1_j9nzbw1 wrote
Thank you, will def be installing some proper subs into my car and through the house
Entity408 OP t1_j9nzdlx wrote
Awesome, thank you, will be very nice to get some then so i dont feel like im dying after every concert lmao
Fit-Friend-8431 t1_j9o367s wrote
I don’t have much experience with car subs but for in house, Rel subs are superb.
If you’re a bit of a bass head, look into subs by SVS. They’re still great subs that go low and give you that “in your chest” feeling even at low volumes. Might be more for you.
googoo0202 t1_j9iosae wrote