Submitted by t3_11dvlgr in Music

I been on a cover song binge for many years now. Love that someone can take a story in song and paint it in a new light. I have heard amazing covers that contest the original, and others that disrespect it. The art in a good cover song always interested me. It’s like a fine dance. If you can maintain and honor the core skeleton of the song, you’re creativity In it can be limitless. For example, There’s a YouTube channel called the Melodicka Bros that can manipulate an original song heavily, but there is always a respect and passion to the original in every song that lets the covers flow. An extremely underrated group. What are your thoughts and expectations when listening to a cover song?



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t1_jab3l93 wrote

I love covers too, especially when they come from a place of love. I dont really love the channel you mentioned though. It feels like those guys are just pumping out cover after cover to generate ad rev, even if they have a strong technical understanding of lots of kinds of music.


OP t1_jab6u75 wrote

I used them as an example of how far you can stretch a song if you maintain a core respect to the original. But I understand what you’re saying


t1_jab66ig wrote

as a Grateful Dead and general "jam band" fan, hear covers (that are way better than the originals, hah) all the time.

Just last week though, was listening to The Rolling Stones and 'Stop Breakin Down' came on, and was thinking the White Stripes do this song sooooo fuckin good too, and hadn't listened to it for years.

Yeah, you're right, it is very cool to hear tributes to other artists, not sure that I'd say I enjoy EVERY cover though

*and then I just looked the song up and it's an old traditional tune, I thought it was by The Rolling Stones. Gotta love folk music!


t1_jaba0mk wrote

Sometimes I like covers more. Here is a great playlist of some of my favs. Lot's of different genres.

Fav Covers


t1_jabf5bk wrote

I love a good cover song, and spent years hanging out in clubs with cover bands.

My favorite covers of all?

Bauhaus versions of Ziggy Stardust (Bowie), Third Uncle (Brian Eno) & Telegram Sam (T Rex).