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Jackattack736 t1_j8z9bym wrote

Coat check is your friend! I've checked so many things that are not coats at coat check- mugs from the bar beforehand, poster I bought at the concert and yes vinyl too. They'll give you a stub just like they would for a coat and will have a plastic bag or something to wrap it in


Teranobriss OP t1_j8z9gvy wrote

Coat check! That's brilliant. I hadn't even thought about it. All venues have that, I assume? People gotta put their coats somewhere right?


Jackattack736 t1_j8z9rvz wrote

I can't think of a venue I've been to for a concert that didn't have a coat check, but it's possible if the venue is super super tiny. You can always call them and ask to confirm.


Teranobriss OP t1_j8z9v0m wrote

Thank you! I will definitely look into it. That will save me so much hassle