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lellololes t1_j9glm7q wrote

It's a very common way people listen to music.

Like... Exceedingly common.


PPLifter t1_j9gyre7 wrote

Which is why its a symptom of ADHD, because natural human behaviour is apparently ADHD now


Amazlingtons t1_j9ivlnv wrote

ADHD is a very real and can be quite debilitating. People with the condition do fixate on things and self stimulate. It’s definitely over-diagnosed - still a real thing.


Archy38 t1_j9izevc wrote

This becomes apparent with our annual Spotify stats, my (non ADHD) friends would always have way more artists discovered but I would have those same artists that they shared with me but like...listened to their entire discography and enough that they make my top 5

It is a good feeling because once the fatigue sets in from binging them, I discover another artist and binge on them instead. Helps to appreciate the lesser-known songs that are overshadowed by the overplayed hits.


_BlueFire_ t1_j9hgk81 wrote

Is it common for people to listen the same album like 2-10 times a day (depending on what you're doing) for a couple of months? I've always been told I'm weird because of that


lellololes t1_j9i80hn wrote

2 times? Not odd.

10 is a bit weird though.


_BlueFire_ t1_j9j3hos wrote

Not regular, but when I was able to manage focusing on my studies I could easily loop something 3-4 times a day minimum. There was one album which lasted precisely a pomodoro cycle of 1h and I even used it to have a rhythm. My average then was probably like 6-8 times a day and there's when I probably peaked at 10.

Then fast forward on year and I got diagnosed mild ADHD lol


lellololes t1_j9jpoiv wrote

10 is a lot. Not surprised at the diagnosis.

Most people don't have an opportunity to listen to music that much, never mind the same album on repeat ten times in a day.


_BlueFire_ t1_j9jwak3 wrote

Yeah, but more than the amount of times it's that music was essential to properly study (from here the amount). It keeps one piece of my mind occupied so it doesn't wander around lol It frightens knowing that I'm still in the "able to properly function" side of the spectrum


lellololes t1_j9jx3ok wrote

Makes sense to me.

I don't have ADD but having some form of music playing can help me focus on a task.

For me at least, it generally needs to be instrumental or mostly instrumental.

What I think it does for me is removes the drudgery of doing something that is repetitive and boring.

That being said, I don't need it to be the same album over and over again. I have broad tastes and a lot to pull from musically.


_BlueFire_ t1_j9kjlgf wrote

I mostly need to know it well enough to be able to background it. Not being an native English speaker helps, but for example the 6-8-times-a-day album was Italian so lol (I also liked the exam, which helped even though I hated what of the exam had to be studied).

I listen a lot of music, but that's my approach to the new one. I need to get fixated on something for a while to propey register it


TheBeginningOfMe t1_j9i5470 wrote

It's a little odd. Are you a truck driver with only 2 CDs in your vehicle?


_BlueFire_ t1_j9kke4g wrote

Student, when I study I often loop throughout the day. However I dive into an album before going to the next one (I also need to find something to get fixated, if it doesn't I listen it kinda normally, but it can get annoying wanting to listen something and not knowing what. A big fridge full of unfilling left overs)


Athelis t1_j9i6d0y wrote

Yea lately there's a few live shows I've been throwing on whenever I want some music in the background. Which led to me rediscovering my love of Blind Guardian. But things will cycle and I'll move on to something else and "rediscover" something else.


lellololes t1_j9i7ond wrote

Hansi is a great singer. He sang on a couple of Ayreon albums, you should check them out (If you're not familiar, it's a collaborative group that pulls in different singers for each album - including Mikael Akerfeldt, James Labrie, Bruce Dickinson, and Devin Townsend).


Athelis t1_j9i9sid wrote

Ahh yea I'll check them out, I'm a Maiden fan so I'll definitely have to listen to the one with Dickinson.

One of the other shows I've been listening to Ween Live in Chicago. Definitely worth a listen if you're looking for something different. The band was firing on all cylinders that night.


Innuendo69 t1_j9imkpi wrote

Start with "The electric castle". It's without Hansi but just mind-blowing. Dude, I wish I could be in your position and discover ayreon all over again.


M-atthew147s t1_j9isd6q wrote

No it's not.

Exclusively??? It's 'exceedingly common' to really like an album and listen to that a heck of a lot in a short period of time. But to 'almost exclusively' listen to it for 2 months is absolutely ridiculous.

People here clearly don't know what exclusively means...


lellololes t1_j9jr3s7 wrote

I dunno, when I was younger and bought albums I sure as hell would listen to them over and over - maybe in part because I didn't have an unlimited supply of new music. Even today when I encounter something new these days I'll listen to it a lot. I think "exclusively" probably falls a bit on the ADD or OCD side, but "listening to one album more than everything else combined" is definitely quite common.

As with everything in life, there is a very wide range of ways that people interact with music.


onomatopoetix t1_j9imj5x wrote

in case anyone was wondering why soo many gamers get mercilessly attacked by nostalgia upon hearing jeremy soule. the year it was released, so many great artistes from different genres made so much good music


HerculesVoid t1_j9j8twa wrote

It is the reason why the company that spends the most money to keep pushing an artists song out onto the radio will usually be in the top 10 easily. It isn't who is the best, just which label will sponsor their artist the most.