johncoenartistry t1_je4h6xe wrote
Cool thanks!
DouggiesCherryPie t1_je4hagt wrote
Give it a shot?
it's music not a special magical curse that can turn you into a reddit user.
too_old_4_this_crap t1_je4hihh wrote
Definitely. She’s not famous by accident. There’s legit talent there. Most of it is a mood. If it hits you at the right time,it works perfectly.
[deleted] OP t1_je4hvu6 wrote
johncoenartistry t1_je4hxh5 wrote
Oh, snide! Sweet thanks.
johncoenartistry t1_je4i0bd wrote
Well, sad thing is lots of people are famous by accident. Ya gotta be choosy!
Thequestionablemoon t1_je4j2ds wrote
Absolutely. She doesn’t sound like most other pop music at the moment. Even if she doesn’t end up being your thing, she’s got a cool and interesting sound.
[deleted] OP t1_je4k587 wrote
DeadEyeMetal t1_je4lo84 wrote
She's very good. Interesting songs and she has no time for anyone's bullshit. More importantly, one of her middle names is "Pirate".
Never mind recommendations. Just go and listen to some of her stuff randomly on Spotify or YouTube. You'll soon see if you like it.
Chelo27 t1_je4mog2 wrote
Composer/audio engineer here. I'd recommend you to listen to a LOT of new music/artists with an open mind to see what connects with you. It matters very little whether something is popular or not when it comes to resonating with it.
But yes Billie and Finneas are no joke; they make a very powerful and talented duo. Simply go through their catalog. What I enjoy won't necessarily strike a chord with you.
johncoenartistry t1_je4qf9x wrote
Thanks for the reply! I’ve listened to plenty of “new stuff” over the years that’s why I steer clear hahaha
johncoenartistry t1_je4qira wrote
Same here. Yeah, I’ll have to check it out.
Excellent_Response22 t1_je4h3ck wrote
When the party’s over, ocean eyes, guitar songs EP