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apheix t1_jcteb8g wrote

The more you listen to DT the more you begin hearing all the complex layers. I started listening right after the release of Train of Thought. I made an assumption that all of DT was like that album. Upon listening to the entire library what I thought was the best it could be was that album I found out the variety and how I cannot fairly compare the albums. The Moore era is different than the Rudess era, the Portnoy era different than the Manjini era. DT is rich with variety and depth in how the albums or individual songs are composed. The first song I heard by them was As I Am and in that moment I knew this was something different than anything else while presenting something similar to what I'm familiar with like Metallica or Iron Maiden. I guess my point is that I had that galaxy brain moment that DT was what they are upon first listening and falling in love with a band on a level that I didn't know possible. Edit: I saw them play the entirety of Scenes live on the Distance Over Time tour a few years ago. It was fucking incredible.