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sorengray t1_je9e8ec wrote

The lyrics are the last thing I really pay attention to, and sometimes go decades without really knowing all the words to some of my favorite songs.

I hear more lines and phrases I like and get a sense of the song's meaning, but don't often hear every word and string together the story.

Which is funny as a songwriter and avid lyricist myself, lyrics are important to me. Though just the last part I finish when writing a song.


DubmyRUCA t1_jea8r68 wrote

Yepp. In an interview with Maynard from tool, someone was asking him about something lyric related and his reply was basically saying if lyrics were so important there would be sold out spoken word tours everywhere.


AdmiralPrinny t1_jeb7o2w wrote

I feel a lot better that other people do this too, irony we wrote similar comments with the same avatar thing


meganelizabethjade OP t1_jedo3ov wrote

I reckon we are the exact same! I can listen to songs on repeat but only when Iā€™m with someone and they point out the lyrics will I really listen. I love writing songs and making (what I at least think šŸ˜‚) really deep lyrics.