Submitted by t3_yatzhk in Music

For someone who has been out the loop on music for a good few years now who would you all say is the best or most reliable for new music album reviews?

Is it as simple as saying look at meta critic and go from there?

Or websites like pitchfork or NME or rolling stone, are they still the places to go?



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t1_itcw9kj wrote

Allmusic is great. Pitchfork reviews tend to be too cynical.


t1_itd13ii wrote

“Writing about music is like dancing about architecture”


t1_itcw1jx wrote

considering music is subjective, there really is no answer to your question. Especially with a complete lack of examples of what music personally moves you


OP t1_itcwm4c wrote

I was going off really, general music that is out at the moment regardless on genre that is just plain good


t1_itcy4px wrote

I can't really recommend any of them. There's always some kind of bias since music is at least mostly subjective. What I can recommend is that you listen to an album yourself and form your own opinion of it. If you're trying to find new artists, start with what music you already like and follow the ropes from that stuff to the things you haven't heard. All music is stylistically connected. I could even try and recommend you some newer artists that I like, and I think they're good, but I don't know for sure that you'll agree


OP t1_itcz41z wrote

No that’s fine

Maybe I didn’t ask the question in the right way, I was mainly asking of places which people on here considered reliable for albums

My music taste is quite unvaried so any point in any direction would be appreciated


t1_itd1fpy wrote

Alrighty, well in my opinion, modern prog is the best corner of the rock and metal scene today. Vola is the newest one I can think of, but there's also Haken, Caligula's Horse, Leprous, Anathema, and a bunch more. Gojira and Mastodon are two of the biggest metal bands at the moment who are actually good. I also love post rock and neoclassical stuff from the instrumental side of things. Post Rock has names like Lights and Motion, Mogwai, Swans, Collapse Under The Empire, Explosions In the Sky, This Will Destroy You and more. My favorite neoclassical artists are Balmorhea, Olafur Arnalds, Max Richter, and Luke Howard. Breaking Benjamin, Chevelle and Deftones are some bands I've enjoyed for years


t1_itd0mpq wrote

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Music is subjective, you can go to x web site and there may be clear bias towards a specific artist. It is better to listen to an artist for x album/EP/mix tape for yourself and form your own opinion on it my friend. Music is subjective and we all have our own opinions on artists and their releases.


t1_itd29bx wrote

If what you’re looking for is a way to discover new music and you have some idea of the type of music you’d like to find (e.g. prog metal, sad songs, pop, etc.), I’d recommend creating a Pandora station based on a song or artist that represents that style. I’ve also discovered music by looking at the “Listeners also bought” section of the iTunes Store when viewing a particular album.

If what you’re looking for is reviews/commentary on music you already know, I know a lot of people like The Needle Drop (I personally am not a fan, but he does cover a lot of music across a fairly wide array of genres, so if nothing else it might be a good source for exposing yourself to a variety of music).


t1_itdr39l wrote

I tend to really like Pitchfork and Stereogum. Reading their reviewers pretty frequently lets you get an idea of their tastes and voices, so I like following their stuff.


t1_itedten wrote

Whichever website gives my favorite bands/artists good reviews is definitely the most reputable one 💯


t1_itfhste wrote

I don’t really know what the hell reliable means in this context but check out Anthony Fantano on YouTube. Very chill critic great reviews and he has shown me all kinds of awesome albums from all different genres. Very well respected guy. Has been doing it for a long time now.


OP t1_itg910s wrote

Reliable in the sense of music sources that are well known to have good reputation and that are impartial

That sort of thing really, sorry maybe I didn’t phrase it properly


t1_itfx774 wrote

I'd say musicboard because the UI is great and writing reviews is easy, but don't bother making lists because that system is really broken.


t1_itcuujl wrote

Could just try finding a few songs online and listening to them


OP t1_itcwi9n wrote

How does that help?


t1_itcy541 wrote

You're not buying albums for the songs on them?

So you just want to look cool? That's kinda lame


OP t1_itcyefz wrote

🤦‍♂️ how did you get that from what I asked?

I was basically asking of reliable sources to help me find recent albums that have been released recently to help me


t1_itduej4 wrote

Wouldnt a search indexing website work then? Like Google?


OP t1_itfee9w wrote

I’m asking for opinions

Don’t think google search results are giving opinions