spoof17 t1_itqvpdm wrote
Checka calendar... Yupp my back hurts.
OfCourseIKnowHim t1_itqvs73 wrote
Yeah. Hard to believe the song is that old. Seems like just yesterday I made a joke about it on Twitter.
JBPorkChopExpress t1_itqyhbz wrote
The title has triggered a midlife crisis in me
ThrownAwayRealGood t1_itqzbs5 wrote
Man, all you do is post about this chick, huh?
TheStabbingHobo t1_itqzpe9 wrote
Holy shit you weren't kidding
Green-Cruiser t1_itr0fcv wrote
And skrillex!
[deleted] t1_itr6353 wrote
Here’s my chiropractor’s number, so call him maybe.
rpportucale t1_itr639f wrote
Probably gets paid to do it
PurgeTheseDays t1_itr9ot4 wrote
>This is starting to feel like r/Carlyraejensen
Who doesn't love Carly Rae Jensen?!?
jbnwde t1_itran2z wrote
They go together like cocaine and waffles
PlayPuckNotFootball t1_itrml4n wrote
This looks like a marketing account
praytocrom t1_itruf8w wrote
marketing account posting it, and it's in the top feed with only 14 comments. How much did Carly Rae pay for all of this?
OldManJimmers t1_its0crs wrote
If you're a fan of Taylor Shift and Olympia Rodriguez, you'll love her!
ConsistentlyPeter t1_itsabxw wrote
Jesus fucking christ on a bike.
Or a mobility scooter. Fuck this.
TheTarasenkshow t1_itsdmyt wrote
Is she paying you for the promotion or are you just that sad of a person?
BrandoCalrissian1995 t1_itsfr7j wrote
Hey record label intern, you should probably try switching accounts. Makes it a little less obvious that you're just a paid shill on reddit.
MakeThanosGreatAgain t1_itsjqj6 wrote
More likely a manager set this up.
Marky0Mark t1_itstfax wrote
Not gay and Carly is one of my fav artists
BishopGrisha t1_itsul8n wrote
trans_pands t1_itsvoly wrote
…. can I have some of your waffles?
trans_pands t1_itsvvih wrote
It’s probably a bot or a marketing shill. They basically post the same 3 articles across all of Reddit constantly
Supergaz t1_itszxmu wrote
Yeah, her name is getting spammed on reddit recently and she is like giga irrelevant
nerdwaffles t1_itt3ucc wrote
Not gay but I blast Carly with no shame
Also her Coachella set was fucking lit. Imagine 2000 men singing Carly songs at 11/10 effort
thereader17 t1_ittcb2j wrote
Success? Are we sure?
spucci t1_ittdnn4 wrote
medicatedmonkey t1_itth344 wrote
I've had her new song stuck in my head. But I know next to nothing else about her.
jiyujinkyle t1_ittiouk wrote
Never underestimate a stan
goodusernamegood t1_ittsgee wrote
Not denying that this may be a marketing account, but she's been huge in online music circles since 2015, her work is highly acclaimed and she's a lot more relevant than the decades-old songs that tend to reach the top of this sub.
Personally I'd rather have news, interviews and new releases on this sub than the same handful of songs being posted time and time again.
russketeer34 t1_ittu88n wrote
There's dozens of us! Dozens!
VonRansak t1_ittvwy0 wrote
"What's happening? , been away?"
Phoenixrage187 t1_ittxsh7 wrote
Didn’t she also have a hit with that siesta key song?
MegaBaumTV t1_itu1jr2 wrote
I never understood why sexual orientation is supposed to have any impact on music taste.
ontheburst t1_itu1lqq wrote
She’s a gay icon. Sells out around the world. She’s irrelevant to you.
br1k t1_itu2d2z wrote
Now listen to this, the movie Alien was released 43 years ago, while The Matrix is much younger at 23.
Tupac was killed 26 years ago..... Time flies. ;)
ThrownAwayRealGood t1_itui8j2 wrote
It’s basically better posted spam.
CheesyBadger t1_ituidsu wrote
It was popular the summer my wife and I got married. While we were on our honeymoon driving around sightseeing, it would play like every 6th song. So it's always going to be our anniversary song in my mind.
ThirdCrew t1_itukauy wrote
Didn't even know she was popular in the gay community. She rocks regardless.
praytocrom t1_iuj2r5j wrote
nice try, Carly's manager.
goodusernamegood t1_iujcrw2 wrote
You're jumping into a five-day old thread to accuse me of being her manager because I acknowledged the fact that Carly has been popular in online music circles for 7 years now? Get over yourself mate.
SadArchon t1_itqv05g wrote