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musicaIs t1_iu27g6r wrote

Searched up just for you, got YODA + (NAME) MIX!!! I’ll never be the same


Higgs_Br0son OP t1_iu38uju wrote

Ha, nice! I have that one too. I remember that was a promotion before the premiere for either Star Wars 7 or Star Wars 8, when Spotify also rolled out blended playlists.

There should also be: Darth Vader + (you), and Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, Princess Leia. I thought they had Finn, Rey, and BB8 but I can't find them now. Which is sad because BB8's mix was awesome.


musicaIs t1_iu3y56s wrote

Yoda is definitely the best after listening to a couple of them. But the best one is the shower mix 100%