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djrollied OP t1_iyav9s0 wrote

I love "Paprika" by Japanese Breakfast. I first heard that song on SNL in May and just really connected with the pure joy Michele showed on stage, bouncing around and hitting the gong. I don't really like "Slide Tackle" all that much but should look at some of her other stuff.

I can't stand Lorde's Top 40 radio singles but love her song "Ribs" from her debut album. Long intro but lovely low key track. I also have enjoyed what I've heard so far from "Solar Power".

HAIM makes lovely music. My favorite from them is "Gasoline" and I've played something by them on my radio show that isn't the duet with Taylor Swift. Forgetting the title but would probably recognize it if I heard it again.

I like Sharon VanEttens song "Mistakes". Catchy chorus.

The rest of the artists I'd need to look at but I bet they've got some great stuff! Thank you!