0161Lawless t1_iye0azl wrote
Craving the validation of others over irrelevant things is not good, no
bluetriumphantcloud t1_iye1awl wrote
If it's good music then I'd say yes. If it's garbage, well...
ExternalPiglet1 t1_iye1j97 wrote
I can't tell if this percentage crap is toxic, or if I'm just old. Meh, anymeow.
jonnyinternet t1_iye3897 wrote
It's not anything, it's just a number
Round-Cryptographer6 t1_iye52nr wrote
"Good" and "bad" are part of a "master/slave" morality/ideology that you must overcome.
Ok-Pressure-3879 t1_iyecbew wrote
I mean it depends. My top band is a relatively small band with not a high amount of streams. So by listening to them like 4 times I’m already in the top 1% for them.
Although its not like there are any prizes or fame from listening to a band.
Slight_Purpose_9092 t1_iyehcy3 wrote
It's not good or bad. It means you listen to that band a lot.
TheGpawn t1_iyepx7w wrote
You can never have too much 21 sav
HomerThompson15 t1_iydxrj8 wrote
Sure why not