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LawdyDaa t1_j20hmeg wrote

This creates an interesting point. Separating an artist from their work after seeing their humanity or lack thereof depends on the person. Art kind of belongs to the public once it’s released. Does every wedding that plays Michael Jackson suddenly become a pedo party? What about any classic rock-same pedo party? Artists are flawed people given insane amounts of social insurance and money until we’re reminded they are human too.

Also, Kanye is crazy and an anti-semite, but listening to his music doesn’t change your political views and a LOT of other artists put their blood sweat and tears into making Kanye’s music.

It’s a weird subject for sure but if applied to everything then no one could get anything done or ever enjoy themselves. It’s nice to be righteous and want to support what is only positive but the logic is weak in this flawed life and it’s unfair to only apply it to one person. Dig deep enough and everybody has blood on their hands, a guilty conscience, plenty of things to be ‘cancelled’ for. That said, it makes sense to want the world to ignore the crazy crying bigot in the room and not give him more money but, well, he’s made a LOT of good music and if he somehow found someway to stfu and maybe even perform an apology campaign I have a very strong feeling his followers would pop back up and blame it on his divorce/kids being taken/drugs/downfall in popularity.

Another example: Bowie was an outward racist when he was the White Duke, then everyone hated him and his music was bad so he went oh, sorry, I lost myself in the character I made up on too much coke. And no one cares anymore, he even married a black girl and named his last album black star, but no one who listens to bowie is called a racist. Life is weird. The kids will find Kanye and they will like the music, some will be taught about his antics, some won’t, but his discography will persevere whether we like it or not, he was a monster in the music industry.