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DeadEyeMetal t1_j200g1n wrote

Reply to comment by 1974903 in Survey About Music (18 and up) by bucket_6

Binary gender option is a bit outdated unless the OP wants to exclude some people.

Equally inappropriately (IMO) quasi-binary/boolean are questions like

> Imagine you were to go shopping, would the music playing throughout the store make you feel calm?

It takes no account of the type of music affecting a negative/positive answer. Pachelbel's 'Canon in D' may have a more calming effect than Extreme Noise Terror's 'Am I a Punk Yet?'.

Are we to guess what kind of music will play? Are we to try to give an answer that covers all styles?

I mean, it's not my problem. Just offering constructive criticism. I would guess that people doing polls would want their questions to be clear and to return the most informative answers.


WarcraftFarscape t1_j207827 wrote

What stores do you shop in that play anything more exciting than soft rock? The only places I’ve ever heard like punk, metal, or anything that may be stress enduring would be like record stores, skate shops, or places where that type of music is part of the culture/identity.