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MenWithSkirts t1_j2eu4o6 wrote

One of the best free online courses for beginners. Guitar, like any instrument, takes time.Try not to beat yourself up, keep at it, never quit.

I've only been playing for a couple of years and still suck, but I have fun with it and that's all that matters.

My no1 tip would be to have your guitar on display and easily accessible. Daily practice of 10 - 20mins each day is better than 2 hour sessions once or twice per week, and having it on view will make you want to pick it up.

Make sure you're using the very tips of your fingers, not the flat part. It's going to hurt, but callouses will form faster than you think.


Goldestwing OP t1_j2euqo8 wrote

Yeah I have his app I’ve only used it once but I’ll need to start using it more! Yeah I have both my keyboard and guitar right beside my bed so I can just pick them up


agentaltf4 t1_j2f51p9 wrote

Great advice. I am a intermediate player and he still teaches me a ton when I put the time in.


sharkboy1006 t1_j2fw4t4 wrote

Does the last tip apply to acoustic guitar aswell? Cause oh no I’ve been learning for months incorrectly 😂