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thesaltwatersolution t1_j2f0dfu wrote

Leftie that plays guitar right handed here.

I recommend doing the following things:

Learn Pixies bass lines- really simple but it will give you some special awareness of the guitar neck. Go get the bass tabs for Gouge Away, Gigantic and I Bleed and learn them off by heart so you can play them along to the song.

Then learn Oasis Wonderwall, because it’s really simple and only requires you to move a couple of fingers around while your third finger and little finger stay where they are. Just get used to throwing your other fingers around to land the chords.

Practice, go away for a bit and then practice again.

Try to play in front of a mirror or a reflection (I used to play in front of my window) because that way you can see what both hands are doing.

What’s the Frequency Kenneth? would then be my next step up. Lots of chords, a couple of quick chord changes to keep up with, fun song to play along to. Also Bm to keep you on your toes.

You will sound shit. You will suck. But you’ll get there. Just keep at it and then you won’t :)


thesaltwatersolution t1_j2f100c wrote

Also for certain chords you gotta lower your thumb on the back of the neck, as it helps you lift up your fingers.