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Gary_Vigoda t1_j272t1h wrote

These are all the most generic songs ever. There's no flow or continuity between them. We used to dj an 80s retro night in the 90s/00s.

80s had genres too. Metal, punk, funk, new wave, etc...

The best plan is making small 3 song sets that are similar and using the last song to segue into the next set/genre. It's a lot easier when you have a crapload of albums in front of you to choose from.

Take one song from your list. Money for Nothing. Easy, pick a couple 80s tracks that have a similar vibe. It came out in 1985.

There's lots of songs on that list which would work. Doesn't even have to be the same year.


Bmantis311 OP t1_j273lnv wrote

Appreciate the feedback but that is just not what my radio shows are about. The shows are designed to be very random and completely mix the genres up. I will often play a 90s eurodance song and back it up with some hair metal from the 80s. Very non traditional style but my listeners love it. I was inspired when creating it by a radio station here called Bryan FM. It is soo random. They play anything and just mix it up so the listener has no idea what is coming. I understand this style is not for everyone though but it is intentional.


Gary_Vigoda t1_j2743j9 wrote

You have your format. Mostly I was just suggesting songs to add to your playlist and got carried away.


Bmantis311 OP t1_j277l7x wrote

That's cool man. Appreciated. Thanks for being cool. There are so many asshats on reddit just looking to troll.


true___blue t1_j29qz0e wrote

How are these generic songs exactly???? Just cause you know them and they're still popular???


DrinkMoreCodeMore t1_j27o84i wrote

Agreed. OPs list is the Pumpkin Spice or Karen playlist of the 80s and 90s lol
