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sorengray t1_j6mke9e wrote

Do you mean mostly rappers? I would use the term "Lyrical Genius" more than "Musical Genius"... (Also the word "genius" is overused, when people really mean "talented")

Currently, I'd add Kendrick Lamar

And Lil Yachty's brand new album puts him in the running.

But if you're asking for actual musical geniuses of the past 40years...


Frank Zappa

David Bowie

Paul McCartney...

To name a few key actual musical geniuses.


pEppapiGistfuhrer t1_j6mnfx9 wrote

I hope lil yachty will fire up a new trend of experimental hip hop psyche rock fusion


tonyciccarone t1_j6n1zzw wrote

Per this comment, I'm listening to this Lil Yachty album right now. I dig it, thanks for the recommendation!


aardvarkarmour OP t1_j6mnwpz wrote

David Bowie and all the rest of the greats, are obviously up there now, but i mean those artists who aren't yet solidified into the hall of fame but are doing special things right now. Kendrick Lamar is a big one I've missed, hes more than a rapper, his videos and dance moves tell as much of a story as his songs almost.

If this was a discussion of ALL of the musical geniuses, it would be quite long - as it happens, music is one of those things where its accessible to so many people that geniuses are everywhere, and may not be so easy to spot, im kinda looking for these sorts of answers!