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Chalky_Cupcake t1_j6hefyx wrote

Havent fkd with iTunes for a while but you used to be able to upload a cd to it and have it be in your library. So when ipods first hit you used your existing music collection to create your ipods music library. It was everything.


peggyi t1_j6i4gru wrote

This was me, I transferred all my cds to my iPod, then went to the local library and got a bunch more to transfer. It was terrific.


SweetCosmicPope t1_j6ierti wrote

I did something similar. I would go to the thrift store and half price books and go through all of the CDs. $.99 for a CD vs like $10 for a digital copy. I'd go and spend $20 in one day and come home with a whole shit ton of music.


tacknosaddle t1_j6i7gpw wrote

When the iPod hit it wasn't long before Senuti (iTunes spelled backwards) was available. It was software you could put on your computer which allowed you to grab music from another iPod and upload it to your library then put on yours.

So you could rip all your CDs, but then swap iPods with your friends to grab the stuff they had which you didn't & vice versa.


Edigophubia t1_j6i8sjj wrote

Back in the college dorms, when itunes let you listen to other people's libraries on the same network (basically the whole building), there was of course software that allowed you to download it as well. And every itunes update made it stop working, until the next update of the download software. God, so much music


slashthepowder t1_j6ifdhi wrote

I remember ripping a bunch of cds then borrowing other fiends cds. Then any new music came through lime wire or kazaa


Silverbitta t1_j6jvn8u wrote

@tacknosaddle I used to use Senuti and haven’t thought of it in years. Never knew it was iTunes spelled backwards! 🤯


SadPhase2589 t1_j6jypub wrote

I still go to the local library and get CD’s and rip them into iTunes. Works like a champ.


gnelson321 t1_j6k55ij wrote

Oh yeah. My friends and I would swap cd collections to rip. The dorms in college were awesome too—so many people with huge iTunes libraries.