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Jimmy_kong253 t1_j6snbfg wrote

Every time you hear about a developer, giving a percentage of affordable housing and then you see what they want for that supposed affordable housing it's not really affordable. Over the years looking up at rents here and in New York City, I'm more convinced the term affordable housing is a buzzword than an actual thing


Fun_Ad4571 t1_j6sp26p wrote

I fully agree with this. Most people don’t make what “affordable housing” costs usually are, especially in Newark.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j6spnef wrote

That's why I'm a little suspicious with all the posting and enthusiasm about all these new real estate developments happening in this subreddit. The people I know that live in Newark can't afford anything in these new developments. I'm not saying we should leave vacant lots and abandoned buildings but don't act like the residents who were here in the bad times are going to be able to still be here in good times. These developments aren't geared towards born and raised


Kalebxtentacion OP t1_j6st6nc wrote

See that’s the problem, idk why everyone think that Newark is a city of poor people. Have any of you ever been inside these new developments or know who live in them. Some of y’all think that only white people and Asians live inside these developments. I work at swahili, I’ve been in the parking lot, the majority of people of color that lives inside this building is crazy, and many of them are from Newark. There is a percentage of people in Newark that can actually afford these developments. Yes we have some poor people but let’s be grateful that our people can live inside this. You’ll be amazed with how many people of color live inside Shaq tower 1


Large_Cellist t1_j6xlfn3 wrote

This is the best post I have read so far! This post truly brings up how we are all wrapped up in preconceived ideas of race and class. Thank you Kaleb!


Fun_Ad4571 t1_j6sqbmz wrote

Exactly. I was born in Newark, experienced much of my life here, and live here now. Most people look at Newark and just see “building opportunity”, with no regard to the actual condition of Newark, in terms of its residents, income and quality of life. And it’s upsetting, because Newark can be GREAT, but only if it gets the help it actually needs and not the “help” people want to give it.


aTribeCalledLemur t1_j76fh7x wrote

Taking an abandoned lot and changing it into housing to get more people with money to move to Newark is a good thing. These projects are displacing no one, and Newark needs a stronger tax base to support the city and spend money on businesses. Downtown is still pretty dead after work hours.